Eezy <3 Younite: AI-powered ERP makes Eezy forerunner of staff leasing

Making bold moves in the world of recruitment

Eezy is Finland's leading staffing service company, providing staff leasing and recruitment services across various sectors. The use of technology and AI plays an important role in the company’s strategy, through which Eezy aims to achieve a significant growth and productivity leap.

"We don’t have a separate AI or technology strategy: they are at the heart of our overall strategy,” explains Päivi Salo, Chief Digital Officer at Eezy.

Embracing new ways of using technologies has led Eezy to create a tailor-made, AI-powered ERP that helps them get ahead of the competition.

When it comes to staff leasing, the processes typically involve many manual steps, and data about job openings and candidates tends to be inconsistent. In smaller companies, HR specialists can handle these needs manually, but for Eezy, this approach was unsustainable. A significant portion of their HR and payroll specialists' time was spent on manual tasks and data verification, which slowed down operations and caused inefficiencies. Eezy needed a solution to speed up processes, increase the average working hours of temporary workers, and improve customer service without increasing personnel costs.

“Younite emerged as an innovative and bold partner with a deep understanding of our business challenges and a clear vision for utilizing AI – even before the current generative AI hype,” says Salo. “This was a significant investment for us: the new system isn’t just about AI, it’s about transforming our processes as a whole. It would have been easier to pick a smaller piece of this pie to implement, but we decided to go all in and be changemakers in our field.”

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AI enables people to do their best work

“It's critical for companies to apply AI to their core business processes, otherwise the benefits of AI remain surface-level,” explains Markku Pulkkinen, CTO at Younite. “Together with us, Eezy set out on a digital and AI transformation journey. Our data scientist helped Eezy figure out where the biggest wins could be found in their processes, and we decided to pursue the automatization of matching work offers and people. Thanks to the custom ERP, AI now assists Eezy’s human workers in fulfilling staffing requests from customers and producing targeted job offers for registered temporary workers.”


The biggest challenge to tackle was improving data quality and defining processes. Requests from businesses used to come in via phone calls, with varying amounts of data provided. Now, this data is streamlined by ensuring that everyone fills in the same information when submitting a request, so that the system can match businesses with the right people.

“Fairly quickly, we were able to see how AI would do this work: would it make the same kinds of matches our staff would, or was the data insufficient in some places? Based on these findings, we then made adjustments,” Salo says.

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Päivi Salo

CDO, Eezy Oyj

When choosing a partner for a project like this, it’s important to find someone who understands your business. Now that AI is trending, many companies sell superficial AI projects but Younite actually delivers tangible benefits.

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Lessons from Eezy’s AI journey

Salo sums up the learnings:

1. Make bold choices

It can be hard to choose a focus area, but choose you must – you can’t do everything at the same time 

2. Find the benefits for your business

Your sweet spot is one that offers both profitability and growth

3. Lead the change

This is a comprehensive transformation, not a one-off IT project

The new system has been in development since 2022 and the work continues. Setting and reaching interim goals has kept the team’s motivation high during this long project.

Concrete results have also been encouraging: Eezy has successfully improved its profitability, automated 25% of ad hoc orders, and is providing faster and more efficient service to its customers.

50 %
of HR specialists' work time freed up
of ad hoc orders automated
project started

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